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The Norlands - Eagan, MN Family Pictures

I have been photography Kelly, Joe, and their girls for three years now! They were one of my first "real" clients back when I started, and by "real," I mean they didn't already know me from church or high school and they paid me 😂 It's lowkey CRAZY to believe they've stuck around all this time, because when they started with me, I can honestly say now I had NO clue what I was doing. I watched SO many Youtube videos and did so much Pinterest searching the night before their session, it wasn't even funny 🤣

ANYWAYS, something I have always loved about this family and their sessions is how they will bring in personal elements! The first year I photographed them, the two girls were OBSESSSSEEED with their razor scooters, so those were brought along and incorporated quite a bit! The next year, they took me with while they all got ice cream. This year, they have collectively picked up mountain biking as their family hobby during quarantine so we brought out the bikes at the beginning of the session for some photos, aaaaand sneaked in some mask pics at the end 😷

The Norlands share my approach when it comes to family photos - they should be done frequently, and show where you are at and who you are AT THIS MOMENT as a family. Kelly told me after that first summer, the girls hardly every touched their scooters again, but she is so happy we have those photos because it was a huge part of the girls lives when they were that age! Who knows if they'll be mountain biking or wearing masks in 4 years, but this is the 2020 Norland Family who deserves to be preserved as they are, with no pretenses up for photos 💛

We spent Tuesday night at the cutest little park in Eagan, and I am so excited to share their photos with you! Scroll aaaaaaaallll the way down for a look at their first 2 years of pics 😉

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